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Around the world, many of us are spending a lot more time at home nowadays, either from enforced lockdowns or practicing social distancing.


Whether you're working remotely, searching for your next job, or learning to code, it's an uncertain time. And it can be quite difficult to stay focused and productive.

无论您是远程工作,寻找下一份工作还是学习编码,这都是不确定的时间。 保持专注和高效可能非常困难。

I've been working remotely as a web developer for the past four years, and while I definitely haven't figured everything out, I have learned some tips on how to stay productive and connected while being at home all day.


I sincerely hope these tips help you as we all adjust to the new status quo, at least for the time being.


有专用的工作空间。 (Have a dedicated work space.)

Your physical surroundings affect your mental ability to focus on work. If you've been used to having your workspace in a physical office, it can be a struggle to find that same level of focus when working from home.

您的周围环境会影响您专注于工作的心理能力。 如果您习惯于将工作空间放在实体办公室中,那么在家中工作时要找到相同的关注点会很困难。

If you have a room that you can use as a home office, count yourself very lucky. But even if you don't have a dedicated room, try to set up a makeshift desk or use an existing table for work purposes.

如果您有一个可以用作家庭办公室的房间,请算上您自己很幸运。 但是,即使您没有专用房间,也应尝试设置临时办公桌或将现有桌子用于工作目的。

Avoid attempting to work lounging on your couch or worse, on your bed. Trying to work in those places usually reserved for relaxation can make your brain confused about whether it's work or rest time.

避免尝试在沙发上闲逛,或更糟糕的是躺在床上。 尝试在通常为放松而预留的地方工作,会使您的大脑对于工作还是休息感到困惑。

Which brings us to the next point:


将工作时间与家庭时间分开。 (Keep work time separate from home time.)

The biggest struggle I had in adjusting to working from home every day was keeping a boundary between work and home life. During the day I wouldn't feel very motivated, and was easily distracted.

我每天要适应在家办公所遇到的最大困难是在工作与家庭生活之间保持界限。 白天,我不会感到很上进,很容易分心。

So I would run errands, do laundry, browse Reddit, and other things that weren't work-related. Then in the evenings I would stress about being behind in my work and would stay up late trying to finish it. This led to a bad cycle where I wasn't fully working during the day or fully relaxing in the evenings.

所以我会跑腿,洗衣服,浏览Reddit以及其他与工作无关的东西。 然后在晚上,我会强调要落后于我的工作,并且熬夜试图完成它。 这导致了一个糟糕的循环,我白天没有充分工作,晚上没有充分放松。

My advice is to try as much as possible to keep your work and home life separate. Don't do errands, chores, or watch videos while you're trying to do work. And once work hours are over, try as much as humanly possible to not let it creep into your chill time.

我的建议是尽可能尝试使您的工作和家庭生活分开。 当您尝试工作时,请勿做事,做家务或观看视频。 工作时间结束后,请尽力避免让它蔓延到您的放松时间。

保持专注并避免分心。 (Stay focused and avoid distractions.)

When you're working in a physical office or school, surrounded by other people all working hard, it's often easier to stay focused. But when you're at home and there's no one keeping you accountable, you will very quickly learn how undisciplined you are!

当您在物理办公室或学校里工作时,周围都是其他努力工作的人,通常更容易保持专注。 但是,当您在家时,没有人追究您的责任,您将很快了解自己的纪律性!

I know I discovered this when I first started working remotely. Developing the self-discipline to be productive takes time, but there are a few things that can help.

我知道我第一次开始远程工作时就发现了这一点。 发展自我约束以提高生产力需要时间,但是有一些事情可以帮助您。

Using a , where you work for 25 minutes followed by a 5 minute break, can help you stay on task. For some reason, it's easier to tell yourself to stay focused for 25 minutes, as opposed to thinking you have to work for the next 8 hours. Just take it one chunk at a time.

使用 ,您工作25分钟,然后休息5分钟,可以帮助您保持工作状态。 出于某种原因,告诉自己保持专注25分钟比较容易,而不是认为接下来的8个小时必须工作。 一次只需要一块。

I use a simple web app called , but there are many others out there. You could even write your own!

我使用了一个简单的Web应用程序,称为 ,但还有很多其他应用程序。 您甚至可以自己编写!

If you want to reduce your phone screen time, another popular productivity app is . How it works is you can plant trees, and they will grow over a certain number of minutes. The catch is, they will die if you interrupt their growth by closing the Forest app to use another app on your phone!

如果您想减少手机屏幕时间,另一个受欢迎的生产力应用是 。 它是如何工作的,您可以种植树木,它们会在一定时间内生长。 问题是,如果您通过关闭“森林”应用程序以在手机上使用其他应用程序来中断其增长,它们就会死掉!

养成健康的生活习惯,安排好一天。 (Structure your day with healthy habits.)

We all know the basic habits that we should all do – sleeping enough, eating reasonably healthy, and getting good exercise. Now I'm not advocating for starting your days at 4am, unless you love that early bird life.

我们都知道我们应该做的基本习惯-充足睡眠,饮食合理健康和锻炼身体。 现在,我不提倡从凌晨4点开始新的一天,除非您热爱早起的鸟儿。

But in general, get enough sleep and try to follow habits that are good for your body and mind.


One habit that I've been trying to follow recently is writing in my journal every day. It's a good way to keep a record of what's happening in life, and I've found that thinking about what's happening leads to reflection.

最近一直在尝试遵循的一种习惯是每天在日记中写东西。 这是记录生活中发生的事情的一种好方法,而且我发现,思考正在发生的事情会导致反思。

Exercise is another healthy habit that can help your body stay fit and also help your mental health. Even if you can't go to the gym anymore, there are many online options that we can take advantage of.

运动是另一种健康的习惯,可以帮助您的身体保持健康,并有助于您的心理健康。 即使您不能再去健身房了,我们也可以利用许多在线选项。

In the evenings I'll try to pick a quick workout from , a YouTube channel with a ton of great workouts.

晚上,我将尝试从 (该频道提供大量出色的锻炼方法)中进行快速锻炼。

Also, if you like the "X-Day challenge" type workouts, check out this customizable made by my friend .

另外,如果您喜欢“ X天挑战赛”类型的锻炼,请查看由我的朋友制作的可定制的 。

Lastly, I know meditation is a huge buzzword these days, but it truly can help. I like using the app which has a ton of free guided meditations, a meditation timer, and premium courses as well.

最后,我知道现在冥想是一个巨大的流行词,但它确实可以提供帮助。 我喜欢使用应用程序,该应用程序具有大量的免费指导冥想,冥想定时器和高级课程。

Another popular meditation app is the excellent , which is paid but has a free trial.

另一个流行的冥想应用程序是出色的 ,该是付费的,但可以免费试用。

休息一下吧! (Take screen breaks!)

Whether you're working or learning, you're likely staring at computer and phone screens for hours and hours each day. It's unavoidable in our modern day, but try to take breaks away from the screen throughout the day.

无论您是在工作还是在学习,您每天可能都盯着计算机和电话屏幕看几个小时。 在当今时代,这是不可避免的,但是请全天尝试从屏幕上休息一下。

This could involve physically getting away from the computer. Take walk breaks outdoors (abiding by any laws and regulations in your country or region of course) to get some sunshine and vitamin D. Walking around for a few minutes helps get the circulation flowing after being sedentary, and I've found that it helps me think a bit better. This can be helpful if you're stuck on a coding problem too!

这可能涉及物理上脱离计算机。 到户外散步(当然要遵守您所在国家或地区的法律法规),以获取一些阳光和维生素D。走动几分钟有助于久坐后使血液循环畅通无阻,而我发现这样做有帮助我觉得好一点。 如果您也遇到编码问题,这可能会有帮助!

In addition to taking walks, try to avoid eye strain. You may have heard of the – every 20 minutes, focus on something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Now I'm not sure exactly how scientifically accurate this is, but I know that my eyes start feeling strained if I'm on my phone continually for long periods of time.

除了散步以外,请尽量避免眼睛疲劳。 您可能听说过 –每20分钟将注意力集中在20英尺远的地方20秒钟。 现在,我不确定这在科学上的准确性如何,但是我知道,如果长时间连续使用手机,我的眼睛会开始感到紧张。

You can also help avoid eyestrain in the evenings with a white light filter. The reason this helps is that natural daylight from the sun is on blue wavelengths, which our bodies are attuned to. However, our computers and phones also emit light on the blue end of the spectrum, so can actually disrupt sleep and cause eyestrain.

您还可以使用白色滤光片帮助避免晚上出现眼疲劳。 这有帮助的原因是,来自太阳的自然日光处于蓝色波长,这是我们身体所适应的。 但是,我们的计算机和电话也会在光谱的蓝色末端发光,因此实际上会干扰睡眠并导致眼睛疲劳。

Many phones come with built-in blue light filters, or you can use web or mobile apps to make your screen light tinted slightly yellow at night. I use the free app on my computer, but I'm sure there are many more out there.

许多手机都带有内置的蓝光滤镜,或者您可以使用网络或移动应用程序使屏幕的灯光在晚上变成淡黄色。 我在计算机上使用了免费的应用程序,但是我敢肯定还有更多功能。

给自己时间去适应。 (Give yourself time to acclimate.)

With all these changes and new habits that you may be trying to follow, be patient with yourself. It takes a long time to fully transition to big life changes. You won't be a work from home expert in a few days – it will likely take much longer, unfortunately.

在尝试所有这些变化和新习惯后,请耐心等待。 要完全过渡到重大的生活变化,需要很长时间。 几天之内您将不会成为家庭专家的工作,不幸的是,这可能需要更长的时间。

But progress can be made one step at a time. Don't get too down on yourself if you find yourself being unproductive and distracted. Try focusing on one main habit at a time instead of trying to completely transform your routine immediately.

但是进步可以一次迈出一步。 如果发现自己无能为力和分心,请不要对自己太失望。 尝试一次专注于一种主要习惯,而不是立即彻底改变自己的习惯。

And if you do make mistakes, like looking up from your phone to realize that you just unwittingly scrolled through Twitter for the past hour, it's OK! Give yourself some space and flexibility.

而且,如果您确实犯了错误,例如从手机上抬起头来发现自己在过去一个小时内不经意间滚动了Twitter,那就可以了! 给自己一些空间和灵活性。

学习编码或其他新技能! (Learn coding or other new skills!)

As , this time could be an incredible opportunity to learn how to code. Many of us have a lot more free time than we used to, and we could learn a lot of new skills!

正如 ,这次可能是学习编码的绝佳机会。 我们中的许多人拥有比以往更多的空闲时间,并且我们可以学习很多新技能!

Whether it's learning how to code, how to bake bread from scratch, or how to play guitar, try to spend at least some of your time investing in your skills. Some skills that I'm thinking about for myself are getting back into playing violin, creating a simple video game, and learning new coding and business skills.

无论是学习如何编码,如何从零开始烤面包还是弹吉他,都应该花至少一些时间来投资技能。 我正在为自己考虑的一些技能重新投入到拉小提琴,创建简单的视频游戏以及学习新的编码和业务技能方面。

If you want to learn web development, there's no better place than to learn full-stack coding skills. If you haven't yet, sign up to get started learning. There are is also an excellent forum and a huge filled with tutorials!

如果您想学习Web开发,没有比更好的地方来学习全栈编码技能。 如果还没有,请注册以开始学习。 还有一个很棒的论坛和一个包含教程的庞大 !

In addition, if you're just getting started but don't know where to begin, I've written a blog post that explains all the skills you need to as a complete beginner. I also have a silly (but informative!)

另外,如果您只是入门而又不知道从哪里开始,那么我已经写了一篇博客文章,其中介绍了作为一个完整的初学者所需的所有技能。 我也有一个愚蠢的但内容丰富

保持联系并找到在线社区。 (Stay connected and find online communities.)

Feeling isolated is a common response when you're learning or working by yourself, especially if you've been used to collaborating and chatting with others in person.


There's no complete replacement for in-person interaction, but we are fortunate that there are a lot of digital ways to stay in touch with others.


If you're learning to code, I highly recommend you to get on Instagram and start posting your own journey there. There is an incredibly supportive and awesome community of devs there, and I've been able to make real friendships and acquaintances through Instagram! You can find me there at feel free to drop me a DM to ask any questions about web development anytime!

如果您正在学习编码,我强烈建议您上Instagram并开始在这里发布自己的旅程。 那里有一个令人难以置信的支持和令人敬畏的开发人员社区,而且我已经能够通过Instagram结识真正的朋友和熟人! 您可以在处找到我随时给我一个DM来询问有关Web开发的任何问题!

There's even an informal community called BuildUpDevs, started by and , longtime Instagrammer devs. They've also recently started doing live streams on about various topics in web development.

甚至还有一个非正式的社区,名为BuildUpDevs,由长期开发者和 。 他们最近还开始在上有关Web开发中各种主题的直播。

密切关注新闻和社交媒体。 (Follow news and social media with care.)

The last point I'd like to make is to be careful how much news and current events you fill your head with. Obviously it's a good idea to stay current on how things develop in our cities, countries, and the world.

我要说的最后一点是要谨慎处理充斥着多少新闻和时事。 显然,与时俱进是我们城市,国家和世界发展趋势的好主意。

But try to moderate it, because in excess you could end up simply making yourself more anxious than you already may be. I know that this is true of myself!

但是请尝试缓和它,因为过多的操作可能最终会使自己变得比现在更加焦虑。 我知道我自己是真的!

I've had to take news and social media breaks every so often, if I start feeling negative and not great. As long as you are informed enough to make good decisions, don't drown yourself in reading all the tweets and news. Try to stay positive while also remaining realistic.

如果我开始感到消极和不愉快,我就不得不经常接受新闻和社交媒体的干扰。 只要您有足够的信息来做出明智的决定,就不要淹没阅读所有的推文和新闻。 尝试保持积极向上,同时也要保持现实。

I hope this article has given you some good tips on how you can cope while in this new work from home life. Best wishes, and stay safe out there!

我希望本文能为您提供一些好的技巧,告诉您如何在家庭生活中从事这项新工作。 最好的祝福,并在那里安全!




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